Monday, October 27, 2008

Email mailing list weirdness

I was returning something in J. Crew.

J. Crew worker: "Would you like to add your email address to our mailing list so we can send you information and offers for exclusive sales and events AND you'll get 10% off you next purchase."

Me: "I actually already get your emails."

J. Crew worker: "Okay, but would you like to give me your email address to make sure we have the correct one for you?"

Me: "No, I already know you have the correct address because I get your emails."

Trade Show Weirdness...

I am at our annual trade show in Phoenix this week. I've been going to this trade show for 5 years now, so I have a sort of 'trade show family' of these people I see every year. Although sometimes it seems that some of our customers take maybe just a bit too much interest in my personal life. This conversation just happened:

Customer Greg: "So, are you and [redacted] still together?"
Me: "Nope, that's been over for awhile."
Customer Greg: "That's too bad, what happened?!"
Me (trying to be causal): "It's no big deal, he moved away, we both moved on."
Customer Greg: "Oh, did you guys live together?"
Me: "Um, no."
Customer Greg: "Were you two intimate?"
Me (stunned): "Uhhh.... I think I've got to go..."
Customer Greg (calling after me as I am trying to walk away): "No, what I mean was - did you guys have sex???"
Me (walking away laughing awkwardly): "..............."